Please fill out this form to commit to a sponsorship level. Your request will initiate the payment process and share your logo and information for us to add you to the DEEP TIME marketing material!
$10,000+ —Everything listed below + an opportunity to learn how to roast with the Deep Time team.
$5,000-$9,999— Everything Listed Below + an opportunity to do a coffee cupping with the Deep Time team + 3 Roaster Reveal T-Shirts
$2,500 -$4,999 —Everything Below + Specialty Roasted Bag w/ you or your company’s name printed on the label + Travel Mug + 2 Roaster Reveal T-Shirts
$500–$2,499 —
o Social Media Shout-Out
o Reusable Deep Time Tote
o Mug
o Roaster Reveal T-Shirt (1) with you or your company’s name on it